Pre Bargaining Agreement

When it comes to labor negotiations, one term that often comes up is « pre bargaining agreement. » But what exactly does this term mean and how does it impact the bargaining process?

A pre bargaining agreement (PBA) is a contract between an employer and a union that outlines the ground rules for future negotiations. This agreement is often reached prior to the actual negotiation process and is designed to establish a framework for bargaining.

There are several key components of a PBA. First, it typically sets a timeline for negotiations and establishes a schedule for meetings between the two parties. This helps ensure that negotiations proceed in a timely and orderly fashion.

In addition, a PBA may establish ground rules for the negotiations themselves. For example, it may dictate what issues can and cannot be discussed during bargaining sessions, or it may limit the number of proposals each party can submit.

A PBA may also outline the roles and responsibilities of each party during negotiations. This can include who will be present at bargaining sessions, who is authorized to make decisions on behalf of each party, and how information will be shared between the two sides.

Finally, a PBA often includes provisions for dispute resolution. This can include procedures for resolving disagreements during negotiations or for resolving conflicts that may arise once a final agreement has been reached.

Overall, a pre bargaining agreement can be an important tool to help ensure that labor negotiations proceed smoothly and efficiently. By establishing clear ground rules and guidelines for the negotiation process, a PBA can help both parties work towards a mutually beneficial agreement that meets the needs of both the employer and the union.